It’s Alive!

…or “The Bitch is Born”.

Welcome to the very first post of my very own blog! This is where I will share my no holds barred, unfiltered thoughts and viewpoints. You’ve been warned.

I would like to start this blog by proudly announcing that I have created a life!

What is that thing!?

That is to say, my own. I’ve created my own life. It’s a work in progress, but I’m proud of it so far, and I plan to continue working on it, and right now having a baby doesn’t fit in that plan. Which is why, with the help of the above ultrasound pictures, I am proud to introduce the world to: My IUD!

Isn’t it cute?

But seriously, I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to share this information. I want to make it clear this is not meant to mock my friends who have or are having kids. I love and admire every single one of you.

At the same time, choosing not to have a child is a valid life choice, too. It’s a critical one, in fact, give the limited resources and turbulent times we live in. And I love my friends who have chosen to live their lives child-free as well.

The bottom line is, whether you are trying to have children, hope to have children somewhere down the line, or feel children just aren’t for you, it is the responsibility of every sexually active adult to determine their own reproductive goals, and make pro-active choices to achieve those goals.

This is more important now than ever, with the Affordable Care Act in jeopardy, and vital community resources such as Planned Parenthood under constant attack. There is a real concern that thoughtful, effective birth control may become harder to obtain in the coming months, which is why I urge everyone who does not plan to have a baby in the next few years, look into different birth control options and take steps to protect yourself.

Having a child can be the best experience of your life, but only when it’s right for you. Educate yourself, know your options, and take control of your future.

-That Sex Bitch